Our Work

In general, our contraception solutions support women, youth and the most fragile communities across the United States. BHGF has worked with partners across the US to collaborate with young people to reimagine and redefine the way sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) programs are designed, delivered, measured and evaluated.
Our work throughout the US has led to millions of condoms and lubricants being distributed across the US.

Family planning is a proven and cost-effective solution for improved maternal and child health. There are fewer choices in one’s life more profound than the decision to have a child. How many children to have, or whether to have children at all, deeply affects each couple, their communities, and the societies in which we all live. Access to contraception prevents unintended, often high risk pregnancies — those that come too early, too often or too late in life — and reduces the number of abortions. Furthermore, healthy spacing of births leads to improved child survival. Women with the ability to control their fertility have better access to education and employment opportunities, bringing economic benefits and improved livelihoods to their families and communities.
STI & HIV Prevention

As the world continues to grapple with the HIV epidemic, BHGF continues to be a leader in innovative marketing and education of contraceptive products. By providing consumers and governments with high quality, affordable options for health data, products and information, BHGF plays an active role in the reduction of sexually transmitted infections.
BHGF builds campaigns that promote healthier behaviors and lifestyles. Experience has taught us that promoting contraceptive products in an appealing way is more effective that simply emphasizing the health risks of unsafe relationships. Our goal is to provide new reasons for consumers to try and use contraceptive products. We do this by offering a wide array of health products to make sure we are responding to the needs of all of our target populations.
BHGF focuses on those groups acknowledged to be especially at risk of HIV, including commercial sex workers, injecting drug users, at-risk communities, and men who have sex with men.
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